Nabi Dawood II

Nabi Dawood II

We will know which Wahyu is from Allah. We must see if Wahyu actually happened or not!

The Zabur was recorded thousands of years before Isa's birth. There are many verses in Zabur that mention Isa al-Masih. The Wahyu that Allah revealed to the Prophet Dawood recorded in the Zabur was accurately fulfilled.

This is Wahyu about the Al-Mashi.

1. There will be people who oppose Isa and crucify him.

Sabre 2:2. “Kings of the earth have set themselves up, and rulers have consulted against God and his anointed.”

Zabru 22:7-8 “Everyone who saw the servant mocked him, raised his mouth and shook his head, saying, “He entrusted himself to God that He would deliver him. Let him deliver him because he is pleased with him.”

This event actually happened.

Injil (Yahya 19:16) “Then Pilate delivered Jesus to them to be crucified.”

2. Allah promised that Isa would rise from the dead.

Zabur 16:10 “For He did not commit his servants to the grave or cause His believers to see the pit.”

This event actually happened.

Injil (Mark 16:6). Allah has raised you up. You are not here.”

3. Allah made Isa the representative of Allah like Melchizedade.

Zabur 110:4 “God has sworn and will not change his mind. “You are the representative of Allah forever, according to Melchizedek.”

This event actually happened.

Hebrews 5:5-6 “The Messiah did not exalt Himself as High Priest (the representative of Allah), but Allah said to Him (the Messiah) that…

“You will be a priest. (the representative of Allah) for eternity, according to the example of Melchizedek.”

Every Wahyu mentioned in Al-Mashee has come true.

Isa al-Masih who is sent by Allah to help us all to reach the straight path.


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